Change Ability

What Change Ability Coaching can do for you.....?


Marketing Perceptions – Life Laundry – Sales Clarity

Work Life Integration – Well Being Reflections – Empowering Energy

Relationship Insights – Presentation Inspiration

Self Esteem Recharge

.....and much, much more

What can a personal life coach, business coach or motivational coach unlock for you?

Maybe it’s as simple as:

  • Uncovering motivation blockers and feel good energy again?
  • Helping you solve a personal life quandary?
  • Escaping from a career or business rut that’s impeding you?


Whatever it is, the fact that you are reading this means that you are ready to fix something or to make changes in your life. Now is your time to seek a little outside and neutral help. What could exploring Change Ability coaching do for you? It will cost you nothing to check it out, apart from a little of your time. What have you got to lose?


What actions to take?

Start my motivational, life or business coaching programme - you will find it is laden with commitment and encouragement. Coaching will support you in ringing the changes in the areas of your life that you want to change, be it in your personal, career or business life. Together we will create the focus and intent on you becoming whatever it is you want to be.

My intuitive motivational coaching style can help you to plan, create and enjoy your own coaching adventure of deliberate and positive change. By developing a strong and trusting rapport you will have the foundation bricks in place to build the success you want for you. Remember it’s your life in your hands. As the famous quote from yesteryear says – “If you always do what you have always done you will always get what you always got!”

What do you need to do now? Enjoy my FREE one hour coaching exploration session. Just call me and we will work together on creating your unique and completely confidential coaching programme.


As the Chinese proverb said “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”

John Burley, Life Coach, MentorJohn Burley - Change ability


John Burley

P.S. “Our only security in life is our ability to change.”

accredited personal life, business and motivation coach

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"Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands." - Clint Eastwood


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